Join us for an open studio during Austin Design Week!

Join us for an open studio during Austin Design Week!

NOVEMBER 11, 2021 12:00PM - 2:00PM

900 E 6th Street, Suite 100

Join us for an open studio and informal discussion of sustainability, resilience, and looking forward with the next generation of architects. University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture students from Matt’s design studio at the “Pandemonium, Purgatory, & Paradise: Sustainable Management of Contextual and Resilient Systems” will be in the office to discuss their conceptual work on a resilience hub in Austin. Come with your questions about both practice and academia, as well as the feedback between the two realms as they shape the future of architecture and design.

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Ingrid's green home tips on

Ingrid was recently interviewed on green home building for’s Architectural Resources: Tips from the Experts. “When building a green home, most people tend to think of all the additive items typically associated with sustainability, like solar panels, water-efficient plumbing fixtures, and rainwater collection. These are all great options that add performative value to a home, but starting with a bigger picture and looking at passive strategies can significantly impact the overall carbon footprint while enhancing the residents’ wellbeing. Passive strategies have the added benefit of contributing to a great experience within the home and enriching our day-to-day lives.”

Read all her tips here: Architectural Design: Tips From The Experts.

Ames House selected to be on ATX Modern Home Tour!

20 Ames House by Matt Fajkus Architecture photo by Leonid Furmansky.jpg

Ames House completed in 2020, has been selected to be on the 2021 Austin Modern Home Tour Austin!

When viewed from the street, this home appears to be an ordinary tract home like its neighbors. However, upon entry, the Ames Room-like illusion is revealed, and one experiences a collection of carefully composed architectural volumes that transform one's perception of the generic 1980’s house into a unique light-filled, modern home.

Enjoy this year's all-virtual tour from the comfort of your own home Saturday, March 6th! Matt and Sarah will lead you through a tour of the residence and tell the unique story of this project and answer questions.

More info and a link to purchase tickets is available at Use the code MFA2021 to get $5 off your ticket!

Hewn House featured in GB&D Magazine

The feature “Hewn House is a Modern, Cabin-Inspired Stunner” dives into the story behind our Hewn House. Check it out at