Texas Architect, November-December, 2013
Article: Campus Public Art Programs
Article: Lines, Numbers, and Colors
Award: Texas Society of Architects Studio Design Awards for Fashion[ING] Objects & Thick-Skinned Regionalism
Design Teams: Matt Fajkus, AIA, Audrey McKee, Sarah Johnson, Sydney Mainster; Matt Fajkus, AIA, Bo Yoon, Daniel Preusse, Sara Yllner.
This issue of Texas Architect features two TSA Award-winning projects, Fashion[ING] Objects & Thick-Skinned Regionalism, as well as articles by Audrey McKee (Campus Public Art Programs) and Matt Fajkus (Lines, Numbers, and Colors) which investigate and discuss the nuances of art programs on university campuses.
MF won 2 of the 4 possible TSA Awards. Fashion[ING] Objects was praised by jury members Gordon Kipping and Lyn Rice who said "The use of the hangers is elegant and extremely effective... I wish I had thought of it," and "It is raw and quick; it doesn't try to be more than it is; it is an excellent idea," respectively. Thick-Skinned Regionalism received kind words from the jury, stating the project was a "very simple and strong original idea with a beautiful execution."